Public Hearing: Application #PL2023-120 - Rezoning from PO to RP-4 and Preliminary Development Plan - Clover Communities Lee's Summit, 830, 840 & 900 NE Douglas Street; Clover Communities Lee's Summit, LLC, applicant.
The applicant seeks a rezoning from PO to RP-4 and approval of a preliminary development plan (PDP) to construct a 142,300 sq. ft., 128-unit multifamily apartment building for a Senior Independent Living Community on the subject property.
The proposed exterior materials will include vinyl siding (lap, shake and board & batten), vinyl shutters and stone wainscoting. The applicant is proposing an alternate parking plan to provide parking at a rate of 1.21 stall per unit for a total of 155 parking stalls (40 garages and 115 surface stalls). To justify the alternate parking plan the applicant has provided a parking utilization survey for similar projects they own.
The applicant has requested modifications to the maximum density and minimum lot size per unit.
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move to recommend approval of Appl. #PL2023-120 - REZONING from PO to RP-4 and PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN - Clover Communities Lee's Summit, 830, 840 & 900 NE Douglas St; Clover Communities Lee's Summit, LLC, applicant
Ben Syput, applicant's representative
C. Shannon McGuire, Senior Planner
Recommendation: With the conditions of approval as outlined in the staff letter and below, the application meets the requirements of the Ignite! Comprehensive Plan, UDO and Design and Construction Manual (DCM).
1. A modification of UDO Sec. 6.030, Table 6-2, Density, shall be granted to allow 19.6 units per acre for the RP-4 district instead of 12 units to the acre.
2. A modification of UDO Sec. 6.030, Table 6-2, Minimum Lot Size, shall be granted to allow a minimum lot size of 2393 sf. per unit for the RP-4 district instead of 3,500 sf. per unit.
3. A minimum of 0.046 in. (.46 mm) vinyl siding shall be...
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