A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to appoint successor directors to the Cedar Creek Community Improvement District.
A resolution authorizing the Mayor to appoint successor directors to the Cedar Creek Community Improvement District.
Key Issues:
The Cedar Creek Community Improvement District (the “District”) was established on September 29, 2020 by Ordinance No. 8973.
The District is run by a Board of Directors. The Community Improvement District (CID) Act and the District By-Laws provide for the Mayor of the City to appoint Successor Directors of the District, with the consent of the City Council.
The terms of three Directors have expired and are being recommended for re-appointment. The attached Resolution, if approved, would re-appoint Dante Cosentino, William Cosentino and Ryan Elam as Successor Directors each to serve 4 year terms (terms will expire on October 29, 2026).
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move approval of the Resolution authorizing the Mayor to appoint successor directors to the Cedar Creek Community Improvement District.
Mark Dunning, Assistant City Manager
Staff recommends approval of the Resolution.