An Ordinance approving Change Order No. 8 to the contract with Phillips Hardy, Inc. for the Landfill Closure Construction project, an increase of $11,197.86 for a revised contract price of $3,832,415.57. (PWC 1/4/21)
An Ordinance approving Change Order No. 8 to the contract with Phillips Hardy, Inc. for the Landfill Closure Construction project, an increase of $11,197.86 for a revised contract price of $3,832,415.57.
Key Issues:
ยท Final contract quantities are being adjusted to match the final quantities constructed.
Proposed Council Motion:
FIRST MOTION: I move for second reading of an Ordinance approving Change Order No. 8 to the contract with Phillips Hardy, Inc. for the Landfill Closure Construction project, an increase of $11,197.86 for a revised contract price of $3,832,415.57.
SECOND MOTION: I move for adoption of an Ordinance approving Change Order No. 8 to the contract with Phillips Hardy, Inc. for the Landfill Closure Construction project, an increase of $11,197.86 for a revised contract price of $3,832,415.57.
This project consisted of the construction of final cover over an approximately 82-acre landfill to include excavation of soil materials from borrow areas, placement of various soil layers on landfill surface, installation of geosynthetic components, erosion controls at landfill and in borrow areas, and establishment of vegetation in disturbed areas. The project is now complete and final contract quantities are being adjusted to match the final quantities constructed.
Mike Anderson, Deputy Director of Public Works
Staff recommends approval of an Ordinance approving Change Order No. 8 to the contract with Phillips Hardy, Inc. for the Landfill Closure Construction project, an increase of $11,197.86 for a revised contract price of $3,832,415.57.
Committee Recommendation
The Public Works Committee voted unanimously 4-0 to recommend to City Council approval of an Ordina...
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