An Ordinance awarding the bid for Project No. 815 for the Crack Seal FY24 Program to Pavement Management LLC. in the amount of $327,000 and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same. (PWC 8/14/23)
An Ordinance awarding the bid for Project No. 815 for the Crack Seal FY24 Program to Pavement Management LLC. in the amount of $327,000 and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same.
Key Issues:
· The Crack Seal FY24 Program will seal cracks along approximately 57 lane miles of road (hereinafter "Project No. 815").
· Project No. 815 is funded from the Transportation Sales Tax Fund as part of the FY24 Capital Improvement Plan adopted by City Council.
· Public Works Engineering issued an advertisement for bids for the construction of Project No. 815 on July 11, 2023, in accordance with local policies and state statutes.
· Pavement Management LLC. (hereinafter "Contractor") was determined to be the lowest and best bidder by City staff.
· The City desires to enter into an agreement with the Contractor to construct Project No. 815.
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move for a second reading of an Ordinance awarding the bid for Project No. 815 for the Crack Seal FY24 Program to Pavement Management LLC. in the amount of $327,000 and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same.
I move for adoption of an Ordinance awarding the bid for Project No. 815 for the Crack Seal FY24 Program to Pavement Management LLC. in the amount of $327,000 and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same.
The Crack Seal Program is a pavement preservation process performed annually to protect the integrity of street pavements, thus extending the life expectancy of the pavement surfaces. This practice is similar to caulking seams on a house to prevent water infiltration. Crack sealing keeps water from further damaging the roadways and helps limit future p...
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