An Ordinance approving the award of RFQ No. 2023-054 to purchase engineering services on an as-needed basis for a one-year term with up to four, one-year renewals to BranchPattern, Inc. (Contract No. 2023-054-1) and to Terracon Consultants, Inc (Contract No. 2023-054-2) and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same for the City. (PWC 7/10/23)
An Ordinance approving the award of RFQ No. 2023-054 to purchase engineering services on an as-needed basis for a one-year term with up to four, one-year renewals to BranchPattern, Inc. (Contract No. 2023-054-1) and to Terracon Consultants, Inc (Contract No. 2023-054-2) and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same for the City.
Key Issues:
• The City routinely has a need for Structural, Civil, and Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Technology (MEPT) consulting for various projects including several upcoming NTI bond issue projects
• Having firms under contract saves time and money
• Nine hundred fifty-six (956) potential respondents were notified via Public Purchase and the advertisement was also posted on the City’s website. Report records show two hundred eight (208) potential firms accessed the RFQ. We received responsive submittals from two (2) firms. After interviewing both firms the Project Managers deemed it necessary to recommend dual award.
The City previously had an on-call contract with a structural engineering firm to be used as needed but they were bought out and we lost them as a vendor. When replacing HVAC systems on roof tops, large plumbing projects or adding infrastructure to buildings, engineering consultation is a necessity.
Brian Page, Facilities Manager
Recommendation: Staff Recommends Approval
Committee Recommendation
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