Public Hearing: Application #PL2022-088 - Rezoning from CP-2 to RP-4 and Preliminary Development Plan- Chapel Ridge Apartments - Lot 19, 3501 NE Akin Boulevard and 3520 NE Ralph Powell Road; Engineering Solutions, LLC, applicant.
The applicant proposes to rezone 4.62 acres located at 3501 NE Akin Blvd and 3520 NE Ralph Powell Rd from CP-2 (Planned Community Commercial District) to RP-4 (Planned Apartment Residential District) to construct a 120 dwelling unit multi-family (apartment) development. This application is phase two of the previously approved Chapel Ridge Apartments (#PL2021-382).
The subject application shall also act as the preliminary plat in accordance with UDO requirements.
C. Shannon McGuire, Planner
Matt Schlicht, P.E., Applicant’s Representative
Recommendation: With the conditions of approval as outlined in the staff letter and below, the application meets the requirements of the UDO and Design and Construction Manual (DCM).
1. A modification of UDO Sec. 6.030, Table 6-2, Density, shall be granted to allow 23.88 units per acre for the RP-4 district instead of 12 units to the acre.
2. A modification of UDO Sec. 6.030, Table 6-2, Minimum Lot Size, shall be granted to allow a minimum lot size of 1,824.4 sf. per unit for the RP-4 district instead of 3,500 sf. per unit.
3. A modification of UDO Sec. 8.750 shall be granted to remove the required 6’ high masonry wall or opaque vinyl fence from the high impact landscape buffer, with the landscape buffers to be installed in accordance with the submitted landscape plans dated April 12, 2022.
4. Development shall be in accordance with the preliminary development plan received April 12, 2022, dated March 11, 2022 and elevations dated November 1, 2021.
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation: On a motion by Mr. Trafton, seconded by Ms. Rader, the Planning Commission unanimously voted on March 26, 2022, to recommend approval of Continu...
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