An Ordinance approving the award of RFQ 2023-50 for Emergency Dispatch Software in the amount of $179,557.00 and ratifying the City Manager's execution of the same for all related and necessary documents. (F&BC 8/7/23)
This request is for the purchase of the enhancement to Emergency Medical and Fire Dispatching software (ProQA). This request was included within the FY24 Public Safety Sales Tax Budget previously approved by the City Council.
Key Issues:
Current processes and procedures are unsupported and obsolete. This software will be fully integrated with the new Computer Aided Dispatch system and will improve and enhance our ability to conform with industry best practices for Fire and EMS Dispatching.
Proposed Committee Motion:
I move to recommend to City Council approval of an Ordinance approving the award of RFQ 2023-50 for Emergency Dispatch Software in the amount of $179,557.00 and ratifying the City manager's execution of the same for all related and necessary documents.
Proposed City Council Motion:
FIRST MOTION: I move for second reading of an ordinance approving the award of RFQ 2023-50 for Emergency Dispatch Software in the amount of $179,557.00 and ratifying the City Manager's execution of the same for all related and necessary documents.
SECOND MOTION: I move for adoption of an Ordinance approving the award of RFQ 2023-50 for Emergency Dispatch Software in the amount of $179,557.00 and ratifying the City Manager's execution of the same for all related and necessary documents.
Start: Fall 2023
FInish: Indefinite
Arby Todd, Deputy Chief
David Tucker, Communications Supervisor
Staff recommends approval
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation: [Enter Committee Recommendation text Here]