Public Hearing: Application #PL2024-230 - Special Use Permit - Adam's Toyota Auto Repair and Maintenance Facility; Adam's Toyota Lee's Summit, applicant.
The applicant requests renewal of a Special Use Permit to allow the continued operation of the major automotive repair services. No changes or expansion of the existing facility are proposed as part of this application.
Staff has conducted an inspection of the subject property and finds the site to be maintained in good order and in compliance with the previously approved SUPs from 2011 and 2015 for operation of the major automotive repair services.
Proposed Motion:
I recommend approval of Appl. #PL2024-230 - SPECIAL USE PERMIT - Adam's Toyota Auto Repair and Maintenance Facility; Adam's Toyota Lee's Summit, applicant
Scott Middleton, Applicant’s Representative
Adair Bright, AICP, Senior Planner
With the conditions of approval below, the application meets the goals of the, Ignite! Comprehensive plan and the requirements of the UDO.
1. The special use permit shall be granted for a period of ten (10) years from the date of the previous special use permit expiration, to expire on December 15, 2034.
2. All repair activities shall be conducted inside the building.
3. Inoperable vehicles, as defined in the UDO, shall not be stored in the defined employee or customer parking areas. Such storage shall be northeast of the building in the specified area shown on the site plan associated with Appl. #2014-152, which was approved with the SUP renewal by Ordinance No. 7582.
4. The use shall not generate noise, odors, or fumes that can be detected beyond the walls of the building in which the use is housed.
5. Overhead doors shall remain closed to eliminate associated noise from such uses that are within 300’ of any residential district or use.
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation: A motion was made by Board Member Benbrook, sec...
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