Continued Appl. #PL2021-142 - SIGN APPLICATION - Crown Pointe Church, 5950 NE Lakewood Way; Impacts Signs Awnings Wraps, Inc., applicant
The applicant seeks approval of a wall sign with letter heights taller than allowed in the AG zoning district. The applicant also seeks approval of a monument sign of a height and square footage greater than allowed in the AG zoning district.
Hector Soto, Jr., AICP, Planning Manager
Darrin Goodson, Applicant Representative
Recommendation: With the conditions of approval below, the application meets the requirements of the UDO.
1. A 7’ tall monument sign with 54 sq. ft. sign face area and 84 sq. ft. overall structure area, as depicted on the revised sign specification dated September 2, 2021, shall be allowed on the subject property. All other monument sign aspects shall comply with the monument sign standards of the AG zoning district.
2. A wall sign with a maximum letter height of 3’-10”, as depicted on the revised sign specification dated September 2, 2021, shall be allowed on the north building elevation overlooking I-470. All other wall sign aspects shall comply with the wall sign standards of the AG zoning district.
3. Approval of the subject sign application does not constitute approval of the monument sign location within the public right-of-way. Approval of the monument sign location within the right-of-way is subject to approval of a license agreement by the City Council under separate action. Should City Council not approve a license agreement allowing construction of the monument sign within the public right-of-way, the monument sign shall be constructed on private property in accordance with City standards.