An Ordinance approving Amendment No. 5 to the budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2025, as adopted by Ordinances 9936, 9937, 9938, 9939, and 9940, by amending the authorized expenditures for the City. (F&BC 2/3/25)
(Note: First read by Council on February 4, 2025. Passed by unanimous vote with one recusal.)
An Ordinance approving Amendment No. 5 to the budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2025, as adopted by Ordinances 9936, 9937, 9938, 9939, and 9940, by amending the authorized expenditures for the City.
Key Issues:
-City departments have completed their mid-year review of actual and anticipated expenses for the FY25 budget and known vacancy adjustments have been made. Department directors submitted requests for unbudgeted purchases for consideration if money is available. Several items were approved by the City Manager as the department had the spending authority available to make the purchase.
-Two departments need increased spending authority as they did not meet their anticipated vacancy savings and have additional needs: Law - $124,584 and Municipal Court $67,793
-The spending authority of Development Services is being reduced to cover the increases need in the General Fund Departments to avoid increasing the General Fund budget
-Personnel changes, with mid-year requests the City Manager is approving the following personnel reclassifications and are reflected in Exhibit B. The changes are well within the current spending authorization for each department and will have a minimal impact on FY26 budget. A few other requests may be brought forward after they are vetted and scored by Human Resources.
-Replace ITS Assistant Director position (retirement) with ITS Operations Manager (overlap of about one month for knowledge transfer)
-Reclassify ITS Support Services Manager to ITS Operations Manager (department alignment to allow for flexibility in job assignments)
-Reclassify Assistant Director of Finance Cont...
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