A Resolution creating the City of Lee's Summit Commission for Diversity and Inclusion, establishing the scope of duties, term of service and the membership thereof.
In August and September of 2020, the City Council reviewed and discussed the possible formation of a Commission for Diversity and Inclusion. The general purpose of this Commission is to assess the current state of diversity and inclusion and to make findings and recommendations related to ways that the City may improved upon the state of diversity and including in the City. Following the discussions in August and September, the City Council held a discussion on December 12th related to the attached resolution. The Council considered the scope of authority of the Commission and provided direction to staff on various elements to be included. The requested changes have been made and the resolution is presented for consideration by the City Council.
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move to approve Resolution No. 21-01 entitled: A Resolution creating the City of Lee's Summit Commission for Diversity and Inclusion, establishing the scope of duties, term of service and the membership thereof.
Brian W. Head, City Attorney