Public Hearing: Application #PL2022-216 - Preliminary Development Plan - Macadoodles, 1499 SW Market Street; KC Blitz, applicant.
Macadoodles is a liquor store that is currently in the tenant finish process to operate in the southernmost 12,000 sq. ft. tenant space of the Southport Business Center retail center at the northwest corner of M-291 Hwy and SW Market St/SW 16th St. A liquor store is a use permitted by right in the CP-2 zoning district. Part of the Macadoodles business model is to offer drive-through service, which the applicant seeks to offer at the subject location. The existing retail center has no drive-through facility. Construction of a drive-through facility is considered a substantial change to the existing retail center and thus triggers the requirement for preliminary development plan approval. There is no expansion of the existing retail center building associated with this application.
A modification to the 20’ minimum parking lot setback from the right-of-way is requested to accommodate the relocation of six (6) parking spaces displaced by the requested drive through facility.
Patrick Joyce, Applicant Representative
Josh Johnson, AICP, Assistant Director of Plan Services
With the conditions of approval below, the application meets the requirements of the UDO.
1. A modification shall be granted to the minimum 20’ parking lot setback from right-of-way, to allow a 4’-4” parking lot setback along the site’s M-291 Hwy frontage.
2. A minimum 24’ pavement width (excluding curb and gutter) shall be provided for the two-way drive aisle located south of the proposed drive-through facility.
3. Development shall be in accordance with the preliminary development plan dated July 12, 2022, except as otherwise conditioned for approval.
4. The developer shall execute a mutually satisfactory development agreement...
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