An Ordinance authorizing the execution of the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission Cost Share Agreement Supplemental #1 between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for State Project Number J4P3196, M291 North Interchange with US50, and authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement for the same. (PWC 4/8/24)
An Ordinance authorizing the execution of the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission Cost Share Agreement Supplemental #1 between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for State Project Number J4P3196, M291 North Interchange with US50, and authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement for the same.
Key Issues:
· Pursuant to Ordinance No. 9303, the City entered into a Cost Share Agreement, Agreement No.2021-03-61790 (hereinafter “Original Agreement”), with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (hereinafter “MoDOT”) for the M291 North Interchange with Highway US 50 Project, Commission Project No. J4P3196, to improve the safety and overall functionality of this transportation corridor (hereinafter “Interchange Project”).
· Recent ROW submittals from Olsson, Inc. (hereinafter “Engineer”) included their Engineer’s construction estimate of $23.6M which is a $7.6M increase from the estimate in the Original Agreement.
· The Project was approved by MoDOT to receive $6.4 million of federal funding through the Federal Highway Administration's (hereinafter "FHWA") Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (hereinafter "STBG").
· This Cost Share Agreement Supplemental #1 (hereinafter “Supplemental”) between the City and MoDOT is necessary to update the estimated cost increase, financial responsibilities, and City secured STBG funding.
Proposed Committee Motion:
I move to recommend to City Council approval of an Ordinance authorizing the execution of the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commiss...
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