Public Hearing: Application #PL2024-134 - Preliminary Development Plan - QuikTrip, 801 SE M-291 Highway and 702 SE Blue Parkway; QuikTrip Corporation, applicant.
The applicant proposes to redevelop the subject 2.6-acre property with a 5,312 sq. ft. QuikTrip with 16 fueling stations. The building’s exterior will primarily be brick with EIFS accents and an incidental use of metal in the form of a canopy, fascia cornice and standing seam metal awnings. The new QuikTrip facility will move approximately 100’ south of its current location. The redevelopment and relocation of the site stems from future roadway improvements around the US 50 Hwy/M-291 Hwy intersection, which will include the realignment of a portion of SE Blue Pkwy that will result in the SE Blue Pkwy/M-291 Hwy intersection shifting approximately 250’ to the north. The realigned portion of SE Blue Pkwy conflicts with the existing QuikTrip and the abutting vacant commercial building site to the east. A new connection between the realigned SE Blue Pkwy and SE 7th Terr will be required, as well as reconstructed driveways for Lawn and Leisure onto both SE Blue Pkwy and SE 7th Terr. Lawn and Leisure is otherwise unaffected by area improvements. The City has maintained contact with Lawn and Leisure since the inception of the adjacent interchange improvement project to keep them apprised of the project and how it will impact their property. Lawn and Leisure has not expressed any concerns regarding the interchange project improvements as long their property is kept secure during the construction process.
There are two modification requests associated with this application. A modification is requested to the 20’ parking lot setback from the public right-of-way, to allow a reduced parking lot setback in certain areas along the highway rights-of-way. A modification is also requested to the requirement for straight-back curbs along the driveway and parking lot boundaries, to allow the use of roll-back/mountable curbs in certain areas.
The applicant also seeks approval of an allowance for four (4) wall signs versus three (3) wall signs that are permitted by right in the CP-2 zoning district.
Tara Limbach, Applicant Representative
Hector Soto, Jr., AICP, Senior Planner
Recommendation: With the conditions of approval below, the application meets the requirements of the UDO and Design & Construction Manual.
1. Development shall be in accordance with the preliminary development plan received July 8, 2024.
2. A modification to the minimum 20’ parking lot setback requirement from the public right-of-way shall be granted, to allow a 6’ parking lot setback along the SE Blue Pkwy right-of-way and a 15’ parking lot setback along the M-291 Hwy right-of-way as depicted on the preliminary development plan received July 8, 2024.
3. A modification to the requirement for straight-back (CG-1) curbing along all parking lot and driveway boundaries shall be granted, to allow roll-back (CG-2) curbing at the three driveway entrances and the ends of landscape areas abutting parking lot drive aisles as depicted on the preliminary development plan received July 8, 2024.
4. Four (4) total attached wall signs shall be approved for the convenience store building as shown on the preliminary development plan, received July 8, 2024.
5. An ordinance for the subject preliminary development plan (PDP) application shall not be second read for approval until such time as the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the applicant and the City of Lee's Summit related to the US 50 Hwy/M-291 Hwy interchange improvements is executed. (added by the Planning Commission)
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation: On a motion by Mr. Trafton, seconded by Mr. Benbrook, the Planning Commission unanimously voted (5-0) on July 25, 2024, to recommend approval of Application #PL2024-134 - Preliminary Development Plan - QuikTrip, 801 SE M-291 Highway and 702 SE Blue Parkway; QuikTrip Corporation, applicant, subject to the addition of Condition #5.