An Ordinance approving Amendment No. 9 to the budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2020, as adopted by Ordinance No. 8643 and Ordinance No. 8652, by amending the authorized expenditures and revising the authorized amount of Full Time Equivalents in the Police Department and Public Works-Operations Department for the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, and establishing a new Pay and Classification Plan. (F&BC 3/9/20)
An Ordinance approving Amendment No. 9 to the budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2020, as adopted by Ordinance No. 8643 and Ordinance No. 8652, by amending the authorized expenditures and revising the authorized amount of Full Time Equivalents in the Police Department and Public Works-Operations Department for the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri and establishing a new Pay and Classification Plan.
Both positions that the Public Works-Operations Department is asking to be reclassified (Streets Operations Supervisor and Administrative Assistant) are currently vacant.
Proposed City Council Motion:
FIRST MOTION: I move for second reading of an Ordinance approving Amendment No. 9 to the budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2020, as adopted by Ordinance No. 8643 and Ordinance No. 8652, by amending the authorized expenditures and revising the authorized amount of Full Time Equivalents in the Police Department and Public Works-Operations Department for the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, and establishing a new Pay and Classification Plan.
SECOND MOTION: I move for adoption of an Ordinance approving Amendment No. 9 to the budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2020, as adopted by Ordinance No. 8643 and Ordinance No. 8652, by amending the authorized expenditures and revising the authorized amount of Full Time Equivalents in the Police Department and Public Works-Operations Department for the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, and establishing a new Pay and Classification Plan.
Key Issues:
The Police Department is asking for consideration to add one Police Officer position. All expenses associated with the cost of the additional Police Officer position, including salary and benefits, will be funded through an agreement with the Jackson County Drug Task Force. The proposed changes to the budget for the Police Department can be found in Exhibit A.
The Jackson County Drug Task Force is a multi-jurisdictional enforcement group comprised of area law enforcement agencies. The Drug Task Force has been in place since 1998. The Drug Task Force was initiated solely for the investigation and prosecution of drug related offenses and is comprised of approximately 25 officers from cities within Jackson County. The Lee's Summit officers are assigned to serve the Lee's Summit area and remain under the direction of the Lee's Summit Chief of Police. A copy of the Memorandum of Understanding for Law Enforcement Services with the Jackson County Drug Task Force is included in the packet materials.
Public Works Operations is asking for consideration to reclassify two budgeted vacant positions within the division. The Streets Operations Supervisor position would be reclassified to Public Works Operations Supervisor and the Administrative Assistant position would be reclassified to Public Works Operations Contract Specialist. With these reclassifications, there is no change in the overall full-time equivalents (FTEs) in the division. These two positions are in better alignment with the division’s current needs; therefore, the division is seeking to reclassify these positions outside of the normal expansion request cycle.
The division is asking to reclassify the Streets Operations Supervisor to Public Works Operations Supervisor. The reason for this reclassification is to set a higher standard for this supervisory position, which will require higher minimum requirements. The division seeks a candidate that will lead, mentor and grow their crew, and provides an opportunity to develop proficiencies for future divisional needs.
The division is also asking to reclassify the Administrative Assistant position to Public Works Operations Contract Specialist. Priorities for the division have changed since the majority of customer service has shifted to Public Works Engineering. The growing workload has come from the utilization of contract services largely in part to curb and sidewalk replacement. Contract management work has been performed by one of the division’s supervisors, but has grown to a point that is unsustainable. Included within the request is funding to purchase a vehicle which will be used by the Public Works Operations Contract Specialist. The proposed changes to the budget for the Public Works-Operations can be found in Exhibit B.
Finally, the Public Works Operations Supervisor and Public Works Operations Contract Specialist are new positions. As a result, the Pay and Classification Plan has been updated to reflect these new positions, which is included in the packet of materials as Exhibit C.
The Police Department budget expansion position is intended to be funded through an agreement with the Jackson County Drug Task Force. As a result, the addition of the expansion position will have a net neutral impact to the overall General Fund budget.
With the reclassification of positions in the Public Works-Operations department, there is no change in the overall full-time equivalents (FTEs) in the division.
Chris Clubine, Management Analyst
Staff recommends approval of the budget amendment.
Committee Recommendation
Finance and Budget Committee (March 9, 2020) - A motion was made by Councilmember Carlyle, seconded by Councilmember Forte, that this Ordinance be recommended for approval to the City Council. The motion carried by unanimous vote.