Public Hearing: Application #PL2020-315-Rezoning from CP-2 to RP-4 and Preliminary Development Plan - Chapel Ridge Townhomes, Phase 5; Engineering Solutions, LLC, applicant.
The proposed rezoning and preliminary development plan is for the construction of sixteen (16) townhome structures with sixty-five (65) living units for a fifth phase of Chapel Ridge Townhomes. The subject property is a vacant 5.42 acres.
Matt Schlicht, Engineer
Joshua Johnson, Development Services
With the conditions of approval contained in the staff report, the application meets the requirements of the UDO and the Design & Construction Manual (DCM).
1.A modification shall be granted to the requirement for a high-impact landscape buffer between the proposed RP-4 property and the abutting CP-2 property to the east and south, to allow a medium-impact landscape buffer.
2.Development shall be in accordance with the preliminary development plan dated October 23, 2020.
3.The architectural style and building materials for the multi-family townhomes shall be consistent with the building elevations; 4-plex elevation, dated October 23, 2020 and 5-plex elevation dated January 22, 2020. The 3-plexes will follow the architectural style and materials depicted in the elevations for the 4- and 5-plexes.
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation: A motion was made by Board Member Trafton, seconded by Board Member Loveless, to recommend approval of Application PL2020-315, Rezoning from CP-2 to RP-4 and Preliminary Development Plan: Chapel Ridge Townhomes, Phase 5; Engineering Solutions, LLC, applicant; recommended for approval to the City Council - Regular Session with an amendment to condition #1 - Add to the end of condition #1 - A modification shall be granted to the requirement for a high-impact landscape buffer between the proposed RP-4 property and the abutting CP-2 property to the east and south, to allow a medium-impact landscape buffer which includes double the landscaping quantities as set forth in the landscaping plan, including additional evergreen trees. The motion carried unanimously.