An Ordinance approving Modification No. 1 to an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway (RFQ No. 2020-066) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and WSP USA, Inc., for an increase of $82,000.00 for the amended basic services, with an amended not to exceed amount of $729,300.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
(Note: First read by Council on May 10, 2002. Passed by unanimous vote.)
An Ordinance approving Modification No. 1 to an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway (RFQ No. 2020-066) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and WSP USA, Inc., for an increase of $82,000.00 for the amended basic services, with an amended not to exceed amount of $729,300.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
Key Issues:
• Pursuant to Ordinance No. 8249, the City and WSP USA, Inc. (hereinafter "Engineer") entered into an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway (RFQ No. 2020-066) dated August 26, 2020 (hereinafter "Base Agreement").
• Engineer has submitted a proposal with estimated costs to provide additional water line and traffic control design at the Jefferson St. and 3rd St. intersection; storm sewer design along Lakeview Blvd.; CID street lighting design; and, required environmental clearance process and documentation (hereinafter "Services"); and
• The City desires to modify the Base Agreement with Engineer to provide these additional Services (hereinafter "Modification No. 1").
Proposed Committee Motion:
I move to recommend to City Council approval of an Ordinance approving Modification No. 1 to an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway (RFQ No. 2020-066) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and WSP USA, Inc., for an increase of $82,000.00 for the amended basic services, with an amended not to exceed amount of $729,300.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
Proposed City Council Motion:
FIRST MOTION: I move for second reading of an Ordinance approving Modification No. 1 to an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway (RFQ No. 2020-066) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and WSP USA, Inc., for an increase of $82,000.00 for the amended basic services, with an amended not to exceed amount of $729,300.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
SECOND MOTION: I move for adoption of an Ordinance approving Modification No. 1 to an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway (RFQ No. 2020-066) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and WSP USA, Inc., for an increase of $82,000.00 for the amended basic services, with an amended not to exceed amount of $729,300.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
Following the qualifications-based selection process, WSP USA, Inc. (hereinafter” Engineer”) was selected to perform professional engineering services for the 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway. This Project includes road reconstruction, drainage improvements, water utility relocation, street lighting, pedestrian facilities and access management. It also includes additional streetscape improvements along 3rd street between Jefferson St. and Market St. requested by the Downtown Community Improvement District. The Base Agreement was executed between the City and the Engineer on August 26, 2020. This Modification No. 1 includes the following:
1. Water line design and traffic control design at Jefferson St. and 3rd St. Intersection.
2. Storm sewer analysis and design at Lakeview Blvd.
3. Replacement of 3 brick sanitary sewer manholes
4. CID street lighting along 3rd St. between Jefferson St. and Market St. (downtown area)
5. Environmental clearance process and documentation
Water Utilities recommended extending the waterline tie-in along 3rd Street into an existing waterline 150’ east of Jefferson Street. They also recommend replacing the existing waterline that runs along Jefferson Street outward to the extent of the pavement replacement. Both of these extensions and additional connection designs were beyond the original scope. Changing the extent of work at the intersection will also change the traffic control phasing and create additional design work that was not in the original scope of services.
The original scope did not include stormwater improvements along Lakeview Blvd. that would address existing infrastructure that has failed or nearing failure. There have been numerous drainage issues in the area, and the Lakeview Blvd. stormwater system will be receiving stormwater from the stormwater improvements along 3rd Street. The Engineer analyzed the surface drainage at the request of the City and recommended drainage improvements through that section.
Replacing three brick sanitary manholes impacted by lowering 3rd Street will be added to the project. The utility coordination work identified the potential conflict and brick material during the design work. Changes in the roadway required these manholes to be lowered. Instead of altering aging infrastructure, it will be more beneficial to replace the brick manholes with modern, pre-cast concrete structures that meet current City standards. Replacing now will eliminate the need to tear out the road to replace these manholes in the future, and thus reduce the City’s overall costs over the long term.
This Project has numerous utilities through the corridor. AT&T and Evergy require additional coordination as part of their relocation due to the complexity of their work and limited space for utilities in the 3rd Street corridor. AT & T has a large duct bank that runs through the project. This critical communications duct is transmission main that carries all of AT&T telephone and fiber optic systems that serve Lee’s Summit. Additional coordination beyond the original scope is needed for the vertical design of the duct bank to avoid existing utilities and proposed street improvements. Evergy has special pole designs and locations to be carefully coordinated and accommodated to implement Evergy’s relocation plans.
The Engineer is responsible for the environmental clearance of the project with MoDOT. Environmental review has been more stringent as a few of the houses on this corridor are registered with the national Historic District which requires more in-depth evaluation by a cultural specialist. This project also might have other significant impacts in a few other sections related to environmental review which might require additional effort to clear the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) processes. This project must work through the NEPA process because the City received federal funding for this project through the Transportation Assistance Program.
George Binger, P.E., City Engineer
Staff recommends approval.
Committee Recommendation