An Ordinance approving the award of bid for Project No. 728 for pavement marking services for a one-year term with up to three, one-year renewals, to Streetwise, Inc., based on unit prices reflected in the attached bid tabulation and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same by and on behalf of the City. (PWC 3/2/20)
An Ordinance approving the award of bid for Project No. 728 for pavement marking services for a one-year term with up to three, one-year renewals, to Streetwise, Inc. based on unit prices reflected in the attached bid tabulation and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same by and on behalf of the City.
Key Issues:
• Visible pavement stripes and symbols are essential for traffic safety. Minimum visibility standards for pavement stripes and symbols (retro reflectivity) are required by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
• The City’s Capital Improvement Plan adopted by Council authorizes annual funding from the permanent Transportation Sales Tax fund to maintain pavement markings.
• The Pavement Marking Services contract was competitively bid in accordance with the City’s procurement policy, and Streetwise, Inc. was evaluated to be the lowest and best bidder.
Proposed City Council Motion:
FIRST MOTION: I move for a second reading of an Ordinance approving the award of bid for Project No. 728 for pavement marking services for a one-year term with up to three, one-year renewals, to Streetwise, Inc., based on unit prices reflected in the attached bid tabulation and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same by and on behalf of the City.
SECOND MOTION: I move for adoption of an Ordinance approving the award of bid for Project No. 728 for pavement marking services for a one-year term with up to three, one-year renewals, to Streetwise, Inc., based on unit prices reflected in the attached bid tabulation and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same by and on behalf of the City.
Proper traffic markings are essential the public safety of roadway users. Marking must be visible both day and night. General wear and tear from traffic, snow removal, salt, and weather degrades the visibility of markings over time. Generally, paint stripes lose their effective visibility after one to two years, and thermoplastic symbols lose their effective visibility after four to five years. Therefore, an on-going maintenance program is necessary to promote safe roadways maintained by the City.
The City’s current maintenance program is funded by the Transportation Sales Tax as shown in the Capital Improvement Plan adopted annually by Council. The use of contracted services for pavement striping and symbol work remains a more cost effective and viable alternative to "in-house" maintenance. Pavement marking contractor’s own and maintain the specialized equipment, have trained crews, and can meet the annual volume of work necessary to keep the pavement markings in compliance with the MUTCD.
All longitudinal striping (e.g. lane lines) on thoroughfares will be repainted in the City annually. Lane lines on residential streets are repainted once every two years. All symbols (e.g. crosswalks, stop lines, diagonals, arrows, etc.) will be replaced on a four year cycle by replacing one fourth of the City annually. This is the same pavement marking maintenance program approach successfully used the last 12 years. This approach is consistent with the expected material life of high-build paint and thermoplastic markings. It also more equally spreads costs of services annually in the program budget.
With this contract, City staff will authorize four service request work orders per year for the maintenance of existing markings. Maintenance work for a service request work order will be authorized for an entire section of the City at one time. Modifications to existing pavement marking placement may also be included in a Service Request Work Order. Unplanned work outside of or in addition to what is indicated in a Service Request Work Order, would be issued by change order, and is considered to be an On-Call Work Order. The provisions for the on-call work orders were included as a bid item in this contract.
The Public Works Department issued the bid for Project No. 728 Pavement Marking Services on January 29, 2020. The project's Invitation to Bid was posted for advertisement on the City's website and at Quest Construction Data Network. A Pre-Bid conference was held on February 5, 2020. Two companies attended the Pre-Bid Conference. Two bids were received by the February 19, 2020 bid opening date. The bids were evaluated, and City staff determined Streetwise, Inc. to be the lowest and best responsive and responsible bidder.
Streetwise, Inc. has performed the City's Pavement Marking Services since 2012. The City has contracted its pavement striping and symbol work since 2008.
Dena Mezger, Director of Public Works
Recommendation: Staff recommends the approval.
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation: The Public Works Committee voted unanimously 3-0 (Councilmember Edson "Absent"), to recommend to City Council approval of an Ordinance approving the award of bid for Project No. 728 for pavement marking services for a one-year term with up to three, one-year renewals, to Streetwise, Inc., based on unit prices reflected in the attached bid tabulation and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same by and on behalf of the City.