Public Hearing: Application #PL2023-056 - Rezoning from CP-2 and CS to PMIX and Preliminary Development Plan - Colbern Road Investments - Conceptual Site Plan, 900 NE Colbern Road; Engineering Solutions, LLC, applicant.
The applicant proposes a rezoning from CP-2 & CS to PMIX and conceptual preliminary development plan (PDP). The subject application is limited to the proposed rezoning and conceptual PDP (PL2023-056). A companion application (PL2023-057) for a proposed senior living facility PDP on this agenda has also been applied for.
No development may occur on any property for which only a conceptual development plan has been approved. If the conceptual development plan is approved, no construction may occur on any such property until one or more preliminary development plans and final development plans have been approved in accordance with the UDO.
Proposed Motion:
I move to recommend approval of Appl. #PL2023-056 - Preliminary Development Plan - Colbern Road Investments - Conceptual Site Plan, 900 NE Colbern Rd; Engineering Solutions, LLC, applicant
Matt Schlicht P.E., Applicant’s Representative
C. Shannon McGuire, Planner
With the conditions of approval below and as outlined in the staff letter, the application meets the requirements of the UDO and Design & Construction Manual.
1. No development may occur on any property for which only a conceptual development plan has been approved. No construction may occur on any property until one or more preliminary development plans and final development plans have been approved in accordance with the UDO.
2. Development shall require the construction of an eastbound left-turn lane on Colbern Road at Ball Drive with a storage length of 120 feet plus an appropriate taper.
3. Development shall require the construction a southbound left-turn lane on Ball Drive at Colbern Road with a storage length of 150 feet plus appropriate taper.
4. Development shall require the modification of the traffic signal at the intersection of Colbern Road and Ball Drive to provide protected-permissive left-turn phasing for east/west traffic.
Planning Commission Recommendation
A motion was made by Board Member Benbrook, seconded by Board Member Rader, that this application be recommended for approval to the City Council - Regular Session. The motion carried unanimously.