An Ordinance approving a Sole Source Agreement No. 2024-17 for the purchase of license plate reading technology, camera installation and validation through Flock Group, Inc. and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same of on behalf the City. (F&BC 8/7/23)
An Ordinance approving a Sole Source Agreement No. 2024-17 for the purchase of license plate reading technology, camera installation and validation through Flock Group, Inc. and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same of on behalf the City.
Key Issues:
The Lee's Summit Police Department is responsible for ensuring public safety and security in our community. The Police Department seeks to utilize stationary automated license plate reader technology. This technology will improve the safety and investigative capabilities of the police department as has been done in several jurisdictions throughout the region. This ordinance authorizes the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Flock Group Inc. to provide camera installation, validation, support, and training.
Proposed City Council Motion:
FIRST MOTION: I move for second reading of an Ordinance approving a Sole Source Agreement No. 2024-17 for the purchase of license plate reading technology, camera installation and validation through Flock Group, Inc. and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same of on behalf the City.
SECOND MOTION: I move for adoption of an Ordinance approving a Sole Source Agreement No. 2024-17 for the purchase of license plate reading technology, camera installation and validation through Flock Group, Inc. and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same of on behalf the City.
Automated license plate readers (ALPR) are capable of capturing license plate images of license plate numbers on passing vehicles, identifying the location of the vehicle at the time of the recording, and sharing that information with Lee's Summit Police personnel.
Automated license plate readers help to solve violent and non-violent crime along with missing persons cases:
1. Main types of non-violent crime solved include theft, home invasion, vandalism, trespassing and burglary.
2. Violent crime types solved include assault, kidnapping, shootings and homicide.
License plate readers help personnel locate stolen or wanted vehicles, vehicles connected to AMBER alerts, Silver alerts, missing persons reports, abduction reports and vehicles related to other crimes. Within seconds license plate readers can notify Lee's Summit Police personnel that a queried license plate has passed within the device's range, allowing Lee's Summit Police investigators to take immediate action in furtherance of public safety.
According to the agreement ALPR data will not be shared with private third parties. The agreement includes a public-facing dashboard of ALPR usage statistics.
This purchase will be funded by revenue generated from the public safety sales tax.
John Boenker, Deputy Police Chief
Staff recommends approval
Committee Recommendation
A motion was made by Councilmember...