A Resolution authorizing the filing of an application with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, State Revolving Fund Program for loans under the Missouri Safe Drinking Water Law (Section 640, RSMo).
A Resolution authorizing the filing of an application with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, State Revolving Fund Program for loans under the Missouri Clean Water Law (Chapter 640, RSMo.).
Key Issues:
This resolution supports the City of Lee's Summit applying for SRF loans and grants as set out by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources funding made available through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). As part of the SRF application, the Department of Natural Resources requests that the City of Lee's Summit document authorization through a City Council Resolution in conjunction with the submittal of applications.
This funding is on a first come first serve basis which is why this being brought directly to the full City Council.
The funding will be in the form of a grant/no interest loan split.
The size of the grant component will vary based on the project activity and the applicant’s disadvantaged status.
This resolution and submittal of an application does not require the City to accept any proposed funding.
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move to adopt a Resolution authorizing the filing of an application with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, State Revolving Fund Program for loans under the Missouri Safe Drinking Water Law (Section 640, RSMo).
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency passed the Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR) and it is being enforced through the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. The LCRR requires all public water systems to complete an inventory of all drinking water service lines connected to their distribution system. All initial inventories must be submitted to the Department by October 16, 2024.
On Monday May 1st the Water Utilities Department received and email from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ Financial Assistance Center inviting communities to apply for Lead Service Line Replacement (LSLR) funding made available through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). The program is offering $49.98 million to assist communities with their lead service line inventory, planning, and replacement projects. The application deadline for funding is May 31, 2023.
Water Utilities has proposed that $200,000 for a Lead Service Line Inventory be funded in the FY2024 CIP. If awarded and accepted the SRF funding would be used to complete that CIP project.
Jeff Thorn, Deputy Director of Water Utilities
Staff recommends approval.