An Ordinance approving Addendum No. 3 to the On-Call Agreement for Professional Engineering Services dated January 30, 2023 (RFQ No. 2022-030) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri and HDR Engineering, Inc., for Professional Engineering Services for the MBC-Winnebago Excess Flow Holding Basin Study, for a not to exceed amount of $216,570.00, and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. (PWC 2/12/24)
An Ordinance approving Addendum No. 3 to the On-Call Agreement for Professional Engineering Services dated January 30, 2023 (RFQ No. 2022-030) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri and HDR Engineering, Inc., for Professional Engineering Services for the MBC-Winnebago Excess Flow Holding Basin Study, for a not to exceed amount of $216,570.00, and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same.
Key Issues:
• The City and HDR Engineering, Inc. entered into an On-Call Agreement dated January 30, 2023 (RFQ No. 2022-030) for On-Call Professional Engineering Services.
• The City desires to engage HDR Engineering, Inc. to perform engineering services that will address capacity constrictions in the eastern part of the Middle Big Creek Watershed and allow future development of the subwatershed to continue unimpeded.
• The study will include an evaluation for excess flow holding and includes hydraulic modeling, sizing of an excess flow holding basin, topographic and subsurface survey of a proposed site for the excess flow holding basin, and design of the basin.
• The project is funded through the Sewer Tap fund.
Proposed Committee Motion:
I move to recommend to City Council for approval an Ordinance approving Addendum No. 3 to the On-Call Agreement for Professional Engineering Services dated January 30, 2023 (RFQ No. 2022-030) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri and HDR Engineering, Inc., for Professional Engineering Services for the MBC-Winnebago Excess Flow Holding Basin Study, for a not to exceed amount of $216,570.00, and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same.
Proposed City Council Motion:
FIRST MOTION: I move for a second reading of an Ordinance approving Addendum No. 3 to the On-Call Agreement for Professional Engineering Services dated January 30, 2023 (RFQ No. 2022-030) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri and HDR Engineering, Inc., for Professional Engineering Services for the MBC-Winnebago Excess Flow Holding Basin Study, for a not to exceed amount of $216,570.00, and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same.
SECOND MOTION: I move for adoption of an Ordinance approving Addendum No. 3 to the On-Call Agreement for Professional Engineering Services dated January 30, 2023 (RFQ No. 2022-030) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri and HDR Engineering, Inc., for Professional Engineering Services for the MBC-Winnebago Excess Flow Holding Basin Study, for a not to exceed amount of $216,570.00, and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same.
The Middle Big Creek Watershed drains southeast to interceptors located under Raintree Lake and Lake Winnebago, which are owned and operated by the Little Blue Valley Sewer District (LBVSD). The eastern 730 acres are served by the City’s gravity collection system which ultimately flows to a 36-inch diameter LBVSD interceptor located under Lake Winnebago. The City’s sewer ties into a branch of the main interceptor, which is also owned by LBVSD and also lies under Lake Winnebago. Per the City’s GIS, the branch line was a 36-inch diameter pipe that tied into the 36-inch interceptor. The 2022 Wastewater Master did not identify any capacity constraints in this subwatershed. In the past year, while working with LBVSD on flow monitoring, a visual inspection of the structure where the sewer transitions from the City’s sewer to the LBVSD sewer indicated that the LBVSD branch sewer was in actuality a 15-inch diameter pipe and not 36-inch diameter. Subsequent hydraulic modeling of the subwatershed indicated capacity constraints in the City’s sanitary sewer system as future development occurs. A number of options were considered to mitigate the capacity constraints and it was determined that the optimal option was excess flow holding. This study will include hydraulic modeling, basin sizing, evaluation of the proposed site of the excess flow holding basin, topographic and subsurface survey of the proposed site, and the design of the basin.
This is an area with high potential for future development and Water Utilities staff is aggressively moving forward with this recommendation because of the impacts on future growth. In support of both existing and future development, the project will be funded through the Sewer Tap fund.
This study will include an evaluation of existing hydraulic and physical conditions for the design of excess flow holding basin to overcome capacity constraints.
Start: Spring 2024
Finish: Winter 2024
Amanda Bagwell, Water Utilities Department
Staff recommends approval.
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation: The Public Works Committee voted unanimously 4-0, to recommend to City Council approval an Ordinance approving Addendum No. 3 to the On-Call Agreement for Professional Engineering Services dated January 30, 2023 (RFQ No. 2022-030) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri and HDR Engineering, Inc., for Professional Engineering Services for the MBC-Winnebago Excess Flow Holding Basin Study, for a not to exceed amount of $216,570.00, and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same.