An Ordinance approving the award of RFP No. 2019-029 for the acquisition and implementation of a Laserfiche Enterprise Content Management System to OPG-3, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $242,000.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute agreements for the same by and on behalf of the City. (F&BC 11/11/19)
An Ordinance approving the award of RFP No. 2019-029 for the acquisition and implementation of a Laserfiche Enterprise Content Management System to OPG-3, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $242,000.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute agreements for the same by and on behalf of the City.
Key Issues:
• The City’s existing document management system is no longer being updated, and does not meet the document management and retention needs of the city, and therefore needs to be replaced.
• The proposed system will meet the current document management needs and add capabilities for electronic document workflow, searching, digital signatures, and digital forms processing. Thus moving from a document management system to an enterprise content management system.
• The new system will include a contract management system to streamline the processing and storage of all City agreements.
• A Request for Information (RFI) process was followed to determine the general capabilities of a new system, and general budgetary needs.
• OPG-3, Inc. was selected as the best combination of cost and capabilities through a two-stage RFP selection process.
• The RFP pricing was not in line with the RFI responses, based on information provided by vendors, making their pricing contingent on sole sourcing the project, an action that was not in the City’s best interest, and not divulged at the time of the RFI submission. Based on this the cost of the project is higher than the FY2019 budget transfer to Information Technology Services, a net increase of $75,965.
• The City was able to negotiate a permanent cap on maintenance increases at 2% per annum.
Over four years ago the City was notified that the existing SIRE document management system would no longer be upgraded, although maintenance would still be available. To help the City better understand the capabilities of a new system a RFI was developed and distributed. The RFI included an extensive list of requirements based on the existing needs of the City not the current utilization of the SIRE system.
The results of the RFI pointed the City in the direction of an Enterprise Content Management System, as opposed to a simpler Document Management system. These systems go beyond the storage of documents. They include assigning retention schedules by document type, development of document workflows and approvals, digital forms processing and contract management. From the RFI, a refined list of requirements was developed, and based on the responses a budget for a replacement was developed and included in the FY2019 budget in the amount of $166,035.
To make a vendor selection, a request for proposal (RFP) was developed using the updated requirements. The in-depth two-step process included eight initial responses. A short list of vendors were invited to provide onsite interviews and demonstrations. Based on the final responses of the shortlisted vendors, OPG-3, Inc. was determined to be the best combination of functionality and cost.
The RFP pointed out that the pricing provided in the RFI process was not valid. The costs indicated were not possible unless the project was sole sourced to the vendor that provided the pricing that was used to develop the FY2019 budget. The result of the RFP process is a cost that is higher than the $166,035 transferred to ITS as part of the FY2019 budget. The net increase is $75,965, which includes a contingency of 5%.
-The passage of this ordinance may require a future budget amendment
-The annual recurring cost of Laserfiche maintenance is only $1,700 more than the existing SIRE maintenance in the ITS budget.
Proposed Council Motion:
FIRST READING: I move for second reading of an Ordinance approving the award of RFP No. 2019-029 for the acquisition and implementation of a Laserfiche Enterprise Content Management System to OPG-3, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $242,000.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute agreements for the same by and on behalf of the City.
SECOND READING: I move for adoption of an Ordinance approving the award of RFP No. 2019-029 for the acquisition and implementation of a Laserfiche Enterprise Content Management System to OPG-3, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $242,000.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute agreements for the same by and on behalf of the City.
Start: December 2019
Finish: June 2020
Steve Marsh, Chief Technology Officer
Recommendation: Staff recommends approval.
Committee Recommendation
At the November 11, 2019 Finance and Budget Committee a motion was made by Councilmember Forte, seconded by Councilmember Carlyle, that this Ordinance be recommended for approval to the City Council. The motion carried unanimously.