Public Hearing - Appl. #PL2018-079 - REZONING from AG to RP-4 and PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN - Artisan Point Apartments, approximately 17.28 acres generally located at the northeast corner of SE Blackwell Rd and SE Blue Pkwy; Case Development, LLC, applicant.
Public Hearing - Appl. #PL2018-079 - REZONING from AG to RP-4 and PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN - Artisan Point Apartments, approximately 17.28 acres generally located at the northeast corner of SE Blackwell Rd and SE Blue Pkwy; Case Development, LLC, applicant.
On January 15, 2019, the applicants for the proposed project submitted revised plans in response to the amendment of the Lee’s Summit 2005 Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Planning Commission on January 10, 2019. Changes to the revised plan include the complete removal of the proposed second phase of the original plan. With the elimination of the second phase, the number of proposed units was reduced from 584 to 282. Additionally, the proposed new site plan eliminates the need for a modification to the landscaping requirements.
- October 25, 2018 - The Planning Commission held a public hearing and continued the subject application for Artisan Point until the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map could be updated.
- January 10, 2019 - The Planning Commission held a public hearing and adopted an amendment to the Lee’s Summit 2005 Comprehensive Plan assigning recommended land use categories to the areas of the City that were previously unassigned.
- January 24, 2019 - The Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommended approval of the subject application for Artisan Point Apartments.
The applicant proposes to rezone approximately 17.28 35.36 acres located on the north side of SE Blue Parkway approximately 1/4 mile east of SE Blackwell Road from AG (Agricultural District) to RP-4 (Planned Apartment Residential District). The single two phase apartment project will be comprised of 141 291 one-bedroom units and 141 293 two-bedroom units. During the phase one 282 dwelling units will be constructed and 302 dwelling units will be constructed during the phase two. The phases will be separated by a public street extension and each phase will be independent of each other with a separate clubhouse and pool.
Parking will be provided through a combination of garages and surface parking stalls. The proposed materials to be used in the construction of the exterior include stone veneer, brick, shake shingle siding and lap siding.
Modifications are requested for the density and the high impact buffer along the north property line. Staff supports the proposed modification request for the density and request to allow a landscape-only perimeter buffer in lieu of fencing.
The traffic improvements required for this development include the installation of a new roundabout on SE Blue Parkway as well as a new road that will run on the north side of the proposed project and terminate just past the proposed driveway that will bisect the proposed project and link the new traffic circle to the eastern City boundary line. In accordance with Section 7.120 of the UDO, the preliminary development plan is also serving as the preliminary plat
-282 584 units on 17.28 35.36 acres
- 16.23 17 units/acre (density) - 12.0 units/acre maximum in RP-4
- 587 1,189 parking spaces provided - 564 1,168 surface parking spaces required
- 35% 34% proposed overall impervious coverage - 60% maximum recommended impervious coverage
- 65% 66% proposed overall open area - 40% minimum recommended open area
Josh Johnson, AICP, Assistant Director of Plan Services
Scott Case, Case Development, LLC, -- applicant
Recommendation: Staff recommends APPROVAL of the rezoning and preliminary development plan subject to the following:
A modification shall be granted to the requirement for a high impact landscaping buffer along the north property line, to allow a medium impact landscaping buffer to be located on the north property line.
A modification shall be granted to the maximum density requirement in the RP-4 zoning district of 12 units per acre, to allow 16.32 17 units per acre.
Development shall be subject to the recommended road improvements outlined in the Transportation Impact Analysis prepared by Michael Park, dated January 17, 2019.