An Ordinance approving the award of RFQ No. 2022-037 for professional engineering services for the M291 North Interchange with Highway US 50 Project, Commission Project No. J4P3196, to Olsson, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $2,136,927.46, and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same. (PWC 3/14/22)
(Note: First read by Council on March 15, 2022. Passed by unanimous vote.)
An Ordinance approving the award of RFQ No. 2022-037 for professional engineering services for the M291 North Interchange with Highway US 50 Project, Commission Project No. J4P3196, to Olsson, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $2,136,927.46, and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same.
Key Issues:
• Pursuant to Ordinance No. 9303, the City entered into a Cost Share Agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (hereinafter "MoDOT") for the M291 North Interchange with Highway US 50 Project, Commission Project No. J4P3196, to improve the safety and overall functionality of this transportation corridor (hereinafter "Interchange Project").
• The City further entered into a Cooperative Agreement with the Lee's Summit R-7 School District per Ordinance No. 9304 to help facilitate the Interchange Project.
• City staff, in coordination with MoDOT representatives, publicly advertised RFQ No. 2022-037 seeking qualified firms to provide professional engineering services for the Interchange Project.
• After review of those submissions for RFQ No. 2022-037, Olsson, Inc. (hereinafter "Engineer") was determined to be the most qualified firm to undertake such an assignment.
• Following successful scope and fee negotiations, the City desires to enter into an agreement with Engineer to design the Interchange Project.
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move for adoption of an Ordinance approving the award of RFQ No. 2022-037 for professional engineering services for the M291 North Interchange with Highway US 50 Project, Commission Project No. J4P3196, to Olsson, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $2,136,927.46, and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same.
The Interchange Project will improve the safety and functionality of the overall transportation system in the area. The project will replace obsolete infrastructure to address existing level of service, accommodate growth and facilitate economic activity. Improvements to this area include a new bridge structure(s), ramp reconstruction, US 50 pavement reconstruction between the ramps, and realignment of Blue Parkway. The new bridge structure(s) will provide bicycle, pedestrian and ADA accommodations across US 50.
MoDOT Access Management Guide and the City’s Access Management Code will be applied to the roadways to improve traffic safety and traffic operational levels of services. Some of these changes include re-aligning Blue Parkway, limiting driveway access, and modifying access of SE Oldham Parkway. The intersection of Blue Parkway will be moved north to the existing location of SE 7th Terrace. Increasing the distance between the ramp and Blue Parkway will improve the signal operations, reduce traffic blocking intersections, improve safety for turn movements. Changing SE Oldham Parkway to a right-in-right-out configuration will reduce turning conflicts near the US 50 eastbound ramps. Changes to private driveway access will be evaluated and modified through the design process. These changes will alleviate congestion and improve safety.
The estimated project construction cost is about $22 million. The proposed design fees are about 10% of the construction cost, which is well within the typical industry standard of 10% to 15% for large projects, such as this project.
Public Works Engineering issued RFQ No. 2022-037 on December 21, 2021, requesting qualifications for professional engineering services for the Interchange Project. The RFQ was advertised on the City's website, MoDOT's solicitation webpage, and was published through Public Purchase. 120 firms were notified via Public Purchase, 20 firms downloaded the RFQ, and four (4) firms submitted responsive statements of qualifications prior to the January 13, 2022, closing date. Two firms were selected for interviews before an evaluation team composed of three Lee's Summit Public Works staff and two MoDOT representatives.
Craig Kohler, Senior Staff Engineer
Staff recommends approval.