An Ordinance approving Amendment No. 5 to the Budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2020, as adopted by Ordinance No. 8643 and Ordinance No. 8652, by revising the authorized amount of full time equivalents for certain positions within the City of Lee's Summit Water Utilities Department and establishing a new Pay and Classification Plan. (F&BC 1/13/20)
An Ordinance approving Amendment No. 5 to the Budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2020, as adopted by Ordinance No. 8643 and Ordinance No. 8652, by revising the authorized amount of full time equivalents for certain positions within the City of Lee's Summit Water Utilities Department and establishing a new Pay and Classification Plan.
Key Issues:
The Water Utilities Department proposes converting a Meter Technician position to a Utility Billing Specialist position. The rationale for the proposed change is that the Water Utilities Business Services processed over 420,000 bills in 2018. The City roughly has 37,000 accounts and that number continues to grow. With this additional growth comes added volume to billing. Billing functions are performed by various staff with shared ownership in the process. Business Services currently dedicates 54 hours per week to billing functions. Going forward the Water Utilities Department proposes creating a position to be responsible for all billing functions. This would allow for the Water Utilities Department to provide the appropriate resource allocation and organization to process accurate bills and address all situations, emergency and routine, that go along with the billing functions. As it was previously stated, the new position would be made possible by converting a Meter Technician position to a Utility Billing Specialist position. It is important to mention that this action will not amend the total expenditures or the total number of full time equivalents for the Water Utilities Department. (For additional information on this proposed position, please reference the attachment titled "Memo-FTE Reallocation Request for Utility Billing Specialist".)
Approval of the amendment will create and authorize a new position, the Utility Billing Specialist. As a result, this new position will need to be included on the Pay and Classification Plan.
In addition to the change for the Utility Billing Specialist position, there are additional proposed changes that have been made to the Pay and Classification Plan. (Please reference the red text in Exhibit B for the changes that have been made to the Pay and Classification Plan.) A summary of the those changes include:
-Added new position, Utility Billing Specialist, to AS4 as explained above.
-Updated pay range for SP1 (Seasonal/Part-time) to comply with changes to minimum wage.
-Title change only of Risk Management Coordinator to Safety and Wellness Specialist to better reflect job description.
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move to recommend to City Council for approval an Ordinance approving Amendment No. 5 to the Budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2020, as adopted by Ordinance No. 8643 and Ordinance No. 8652, by revising the authorized amount of full time equivalents for certain positions within the City of Lee's Summit Water Utilities Department and establishing a new Pay and Classification Plan.
The proposed changes outlined in the amendment will not increase or amend the total expenditures or the total number of full time equivalents for the City of Lee's Summit.
Other Information/Unique Characteristics:
Chris Clubine, Management Analyst III
Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the amendment.
Committee Recommendation
Finance and Budget Committee (January 13, 2020): A motion was made by Vice Chair Lopez, seconded by Councilmember Forte, that Bill No. 20-19 be recommended for approval to the City Council. The motion carried by unanimous vote.