File #: BILL NO. 19-228    Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 9/17/2019 In control: City Council - Regular Session
On agenda: 10/15/2019 Final action:
Title: An Ordinance authorizing execution of the Agreement with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc. for On-Call Engineering Services for the airport (RFQ No. 2015-300) to amend the provisions of the Base Agreement to include the Aviation Project Consultant Supplemental Agreement No. 13 Master Plan Update - Phase 1. (BOAC 9/30/19) (PWC 10/07/19)
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Modification to On-call Agreement
Related files: RES. NO. 21-12, 2021-4080


An Ordinance authorizing execution of the Agreement with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc. for On-Call Engineering Services for the airport (RFQ No. 2015-300) to amend the provisions of the Base Agreement to include the Aviation Project Consultant Supplemental Agreement No. 13 Master Plan Update - Phase 1. (BOAC 9/30/19) (PWC 10/07/19)



An Ordinance authorizing execution of the Agreement with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc. for On-Call Engineering Services for the airport (RFQ No. 2015-300) to amend the provisions of the Base Agreement to include the Aviation Project Consultant Supplemental Agreement No. 13 Master Plan Update - Phase 1.



An Ordinance authorizing execution of the Agreement with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc. for On-Call Engineering Services for the airport (RFQ No. 2015-300) to amend the provisions of the Base Agreement to include the Aviation Project Consultant Supplemental Agreement No. 13 Master Plan Update - Phase 1.


Key Issues:

•    The City and Engineer entered into an On-Call Agreement dated September 3, 2015 (RFQ No. 2015-300) for professional engineering services for the Airport (hereinafter “Base Agreement”).

•    The Base agreement has been modified with Modification 1 - 12.

•    The City and Engineer desire to amend the provisions of the Base Agreement, as modified as provided herein.

•    The amended engineering services contained in this Modification No. 13, were services originally contemplated by the City and the Engineer when entering into the Base Agreement, and which were included in the request for qualifications review that was conducted by the City when awarding the contract for the Base Agreement.

•    The Engineer has submitted a proposal for the amended engineering services and an estimate of engineering costs to perform said services.

•    Funding for this project is provided through Federal and State Grants and a local match.

•    The City Manager is authorized and empowered by City to execute contracts providing for engineering services.


Proposed City Council Motion:

FIRST MOTION:  I move for a second reading of an Ordinance authorizing execution of the Agreement with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc. for On-Call Engineering Services for the airport (RFQ No. 2015-300) to amend the provisions of the Base Agreement to include the Aviation Project Consultant Supplemental Agreement No. 13 Master Plan Update - Phase 1.


SECOND MOTION:  I move for approval of an Ordinance authorizing execution of the Agreement with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc. for On-Call Engineering Services for the airport (RFQ No. 2015-300) to amend the provisions of the Base Agreement to include the Aviation Project Consultant Supplemental Agreement No. 13 Master Plan Update - Phase 1.




The City and Engineer entered into an On-Call Agreement dated September 3, 2015 (RFQ No. 2015-300) for professional engineering services for the Airport (hereinafter “Base Agreement”). The Base agreement has been modified with Modification 1 - 12. The City and Engineer desire to amend the provisions of the Base Agreement, as modified as provided herein. The amended engineering services contained in this Modification No. 13, were services originally contemplated by the City and the Engineer when entering into the Base Agreement, and which were included in the request for qualifications review that was conducted by the City when awarding the contract for the Base Agreement. The Engineer has submitted a proposal for the amended engineering services and an estimate of engineering costs to perform said services. Funding for this project is provided through Federal and State Grants and a local match.  The City Manager is authorized and empowered by City to execute contracts providing for engineering services.


The Federal and State grants are for both phase 1 of both the Master Plan and Business Plan. The total grant funding is $350,271 (State Block Grant for $252,207 and Airport Aid Grant for $98,064) plus local funding of $70,000 for a total funding of $420,271.  The two proposed CMT Agreements total $377,610 (a Master Plan fee of $276,890 and Business Plan fee of $100,720).  Excess revenues may possibly be used towards the second phase of the plans or returned for future reallocation.



Dena Mezger, Director of Public Works



Staff recommends approval of an Ordinance authorizing execution of the Agreement with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc. for On-Call Engineering Services for the airport (RFQ No. 2015-300) to amend the provisions of the Base Agreement to include the Aviation Project Consultant Supplemental Agreement No. 13 Master Plan Update - Phase 1.


Committee Redommendation

Committee Recommendation:  The Public Works Committee voted unanimously 4-0 to recommend to City Council approval of an Ordinance authorizing execution of the Agreement with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc. for On-Call Engineering Services for the airport (RFQ No. 2015-300) to amend the provisions of the Base Agreement to include the Aviation Project Consultant Supplemental Agreement No. 13 Master Plan Update - Phase 1.


The Board of Aeronautic Commissioners voted unanimously 5-0 to recommend to City Council approval of an Ordinance authorizing execution of the Agreement with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc. for On-Call Engineering Services for the airport (RFQ No. 2015-300) to amend the provisions of the Base Agreement to include the Aviation Project Consultant Supplemental Agreement No. 13 Master Plan Update - Phase 1.