Public Hearing - Application #PL2018-089 - Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Amendment #1 - Article 6 Use Standards - Table 6-1, List of Permitted, Conditional and Special Uses and Division III Special Use Permits, to add indoor climate controlled storage facilities as a special use in the CP-2 (Planned Community Commercial), and AZ (Airport Zone) zoning districts; City of Lee’s Summit, applicant.
This UDO Amendment originally came before the City Council at a public hearing on August 23, 2018. At that time the request was to allow indoor climate controlled self storage facilities as a "C" conditional use in CP-2, CS and AZ zoning districts and by right in PI districts. The Council was not comfortable with the conditional use aspect for this type of use and referred the UDO amendment back to CEDC for additional consideration. Staff revised the UDO amendment proposing to add indoor climate controlled storage facilities only as a "S" special use in CP-2 and AZ zoning districts leaving them as a "S" special use in the CS and PI districts.
This UDO amendment is based on a request to consider indoor climate controlled self storage facilities in zoning districts other than Commercial Services (CS) and Planned Industrial (PI) Districts. Currently mini-warehouse facilities are only allowed as a "S", Special Use, in CS and PI zoning districts. However, these new indoor climate controlled facilities can be architecturally designed to fit into a commercial zoning category with a look similar to office and commercial buildings. Based on the previous City Council discussion staff is requesting consideration for this type of use be added only as a "S", Special Use, to restrict their appearance and activities in the CP-2 (Planned Community Commercial) and AZ (Airport Zone) districts. Please refer to the proposed Article 6,Table 6-1 and Division III attachments for the conditions being recommended for this type of use in CP-2 and AZ zoning districts.
This is now proposed UDO Amendment #1 as the recodification of the entire UDO was adopted on September 6, 2018 and will be referred to as Chapter 33 fo the Code of Ordinances.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 8, 2018 to consider UDO Amendment #1 and voted to forward it on to the City Council for public hearing along with a recommendation for approval.
Staff recommends approval of UDO Amendment #1.
Robert McKay, AICP, Director of Planning and Special Projects