License Tax Review Committee Annual Report for FY2018
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Key Issues:
- City Ordinance 4592, Sections 28-175 through 28-123 in Code of Ordinances, Requires annual License Tax Report
- FY18 year end fund balance was $4.630 million
- SE Browning Street project programmed for $1.43 million in FY19 Capital Improvement Plan
- Development activity is starting to trend downward
The attached presentation provides a summary, as required by ordinance, of the License Tax Review Committee's meeting of November 29, 2018. More detailed background information is included License Tax Review Report to Council.
The License Tax Committee made recommendations to update the City's License Tax Ordinance, add NW Main Street improvements to the FY2020 Capital Improvement Plan, and make no changes to the current fees. The changes to the ordinance would address two issues. Several sections adopted in 1997 and 2010 are now outdated or expired. For clarity, those sections should be deleted. City staff has received development applications that will generate traffic, but the current ordinance does not clearly describe how City staff calculates the traffic to be generated by those developments with unusual characteristics. The Institute of Transporation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual has undergone significant changes that will allow more accurate calculations of traffic generated by new development. The new ITE manual accounts for many more types of land uses based on more recent data collection this includes changes due online commerce. Modifying the definition will cite the specific technical reference to be used in those cases.
The ordinance changes will improve clarity of the ordinance and address several issues that have confused applicants in the past. Impacts of fees and project programming will be discussed in the presentation.
George Binger III, P.E., Deputy Director of Public Works/City Engineer