File #: RES. NO. 23-04    Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/18/2023 In control: City Council - Regular Session
On agenda: 2/28/2023 Final action:
Title: A Resolution authorizing the submittal of an application for entry into the Federal Contract Tower Program for the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport. (BOAC 2/6/23 & PWC 2/13/23)
Sponsors: Airport
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Exhibit A: Memorandum of Understanding, 3. Supporting Document: Benefit / Cost Report
Related files: RES. NO. 21-12


A Resolution authorizing the submittal of an application for entry into the Federal Contract Tower Program for the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport. (BOAC 2/6/23 & PWC 2/13/23)




A Resolution authorizing the submittal of an application for entry into the Federal Contract Tower Program for the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport.


Key Issues:

                     The City of Lee’s Summit is the owner and operator of the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport.

                     The Federal Aviation Administration has instituted a Federal Contract Tower Program for providing air traffic control services at small airports where the level of aviation activity has reached a minimum benefit-to-cost threshold to justify the establishment of a new air traffic control tower.

                     The aviation activity at the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport is presumed to have reached the FAA’s minimum threshold for establishing an air traffic control tower to be operated under the Federal Contract Tower Program.

                     The City desires the Federal Aviation Administration to establish air traffic control services to enhance the safe and efficient use of the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport.

                     The Federal Aviation Administration requires the submission of an application and a separate Memorandum of Understanding as a prerequisite for consideration and acceptance as a candidate for entry into the Federal Contract Tower Program and thus become eligible for financial assistance to develop and equip an air traffic control tower that meets their siting and design standards which when completed, would be funded and operated by certified contract air traffic controllers.


Proposed Committee Motion:

FIRST MOTION:  I move to recommend to City Council adoption of a Resolution authorizing the submittal of an application for entry into the Federal Contract Tower Program for the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport.


Proposed City Council Motion:

SECOND MOTION:  I move for adoption of a Resolution authorizing the submittal of an application for entry into the Federal Contract Tower Program for the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport.   




As part of the Phase 2 Master Plan Update for the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport, a feasibility study was conducted for an Air Traffic Control Tower, ATCT.  As part of the feasibility study, a preliminary Benefit/Cost, B/C, ratio was determined utilizing the aviation traffic forecasted in the adopted Master Plan Update.  The B/C ratio was calculated to be 1.08.  As a result, it is recommended a formal application be submitted to the FAA for acceptance into the Federal Contract Tower Program.  It should be noted the official B/C ratio will be determined by the FAA and may differ significantly as the FAA use proprietary data not available to the public.

If the official B/C determination falls short of the 1.0 ratio, the FAA will notify the City and allow 90 days for responding with additional data or other material for consideration. Upon a favorable determination (i.e., B/C 1.0 or greater), the FAA will provide the City with a letter confirming the Airport’s status as a candidate for the FCT program. The candidate status allows the City to begin seeking and using federal funds under the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) for subsequent ATCT development tasks. Attaining candidate status allows the Airport to use federal funds toward the development of a control tower with the understanding that federal procurement requirements will be followed and the finished facility will meet the FAA’s minimum standards for ATCT siting, design, and equipment.

The FAA also stipulates several conditions that must be met by the City before the Tower can be commissioned.

1.                     Select a site that meets the FAA’s criteria for assuring it is suitable for conducting ATC operations.

2.                     Design and construct the ATCT facility meeting FAA design criteria.

3.                     Provide ATCT equipment according to a prescribed Minimum Equipment List (MEL).

4.                     Enter into a Tower Operating Agreement (TOA) with FAA for the operations and maintenance of the ATCT facility.

The FAA currently requires the Airport Sponsor to meet these conditions within 5 years of the FCT candidacy notification without having to recalculate the Benefit/Cost ratio and requalify as a candidate.




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Mike Anderson, Deputy Director of Public Work - Operations



Recommendation: Staff recommends adoption of a Resolution authorizing the submittal of an application for entry into the Federal Contract Tower Program for the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport. (BOAC 2/6/23)



Committee Recommendation

Committee Recommendation:

The Board of Aeronautic Commissioners reached a consensus to forward to committee unanimously 8-0 a Resolution authorizing the submittal of an application for entry into the Federal Contract Tower Program for the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport. (BOAC 2/6/23)


The Public Works Committee voted unanimously 4-0 to recommend to City Council approval of a Resolution authorizing the submittal of an application for entry into the Federal Contract Tower Program for the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport. (PWC 2/13/23)