File #: BILL NO. 20-116    Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 6/30/2020 In control: City Council - Regular Session
On agenda: 7/7/2020 Final action: 7/14/2020
Title: An Ordinance approving a Development Agreement between Paragon Star, LLC, and the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, for the Paragon Star project. (Note: First reading by Council on July 7, 2020. Passed by unanimous vote.)
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Development Agreement
Related files: BILL NO. 23-090


An Ordinance approving a Development Agreement between Paragon Star, LLC, and the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, for the Paragon Star project.

(Note: First reading by Council on July 7, 2020.  Passed by unanimous vote.)





Approval of a Development Agreement to arrange for the construction of public improvements associated with the Paragon Star project.


Key Issues:

Road improvements including internal drives, View High Drive, interchange improvements, water improvements, sewer improvements, parking lots and pedestrian trails.


Proposed City Council Motion:

I move for adoption of Bill No. 20-116 an Ordinance approving a Development Agreement between Paragon Star, LLC, and the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri for the Paragon Star project.



On October 10, 2016, the City Council approved Ordinance No. 7987 which approved the preliminary development plan for the sports complex portion of the Paragon Star Project, which was subject to the Developer entering into a development agreement with the City to provide for certain Public Improvements which are necessary for the development.  On June 11, 2019, the City Council approved Ordinance No. 8644 which approved the preliminary development plan for the Paragon Star Village portion of the Paragon Star Project (collectively with the development approved by Ordinance No. 7987, the “Project”), which was subject to the Developer entering into a development agreement with the City to provide for certain Public Improvements which are necessary for the Project. Both ordinances contain a clause which provides that the developer shall execute a development agreement with the City to address public improvements, and that no building permits shall be issued until written proof is provided to the City that the development agreement has been recorded with the Jackson County Recorder of Deeds.



Developer will be responsible for funding and constructing the public improvements and the City will not incur any payment obligations under this Development Agreement.  The funds for the transportation improvements and the I-470 & View High Interchange improvements will be funded by the proceeds of revenue bonds that have already been issued by the I-470 Western Gateway Transportation Development District.


The public improvements are the following items:


The “Interchange Improvements” consist of reconstruction of the interchange of Interstate 470 and View High Drive to a four-lane diverging diamond configuration with traffic signal controlled cross-over/ramp intersections, and all associated signage, striping and appurtenant improvements as approved by MoDOT.  The Interchange Improvements shall also include relocation and improvement of the Meers Road intersection with View High Drive, to the extent that such intersection relocation and improvement becomes part of the Interchange project as approved by MoDOT and pursuant to available State cost share funding


The “Water Main” consists of the installation of approximately 6,000 linear feet of 12 inch public water main connecting to the water main along Chipman Road at a location to be established by agreement of the parties, continuing on an alignment running along or adjacent to Chipman Road, running through the property at 11904 Chipman Road and then underneath I-470 and through the area identified as the Village, to the View High Drive roundabout, then connecting to a Kansas City-owned and operated 8 inch public water main coming from the West to that location. An emergency interconnect shall be provided at the connection location of the Kansas City and City owned water mains.


The “Internal Roads” for the Development consist of View High Parkway, Paragon Parkway, River Road, and the two bridges over the Little Blue River, and all associated curbs, gutters, storm drainage, signage, striping.


Improvements will be made to View High Drive from Meers Road on the south to a point north of the new round-about intersection that will be created at View High Drive and Paragon Parkway.


A number of parking lots are called for under the PDPs which will be completed by Developer using funds generated primarily by the I-470 Western Gateway Transportation Development District.


The “Pedestrian Trails” consists of the Little Blue Trace Trail, the location of which will appear on an approved Final Development Plan. The Developer will work on a mutually agreeable Memorandum of Agreement (“MOA”) that will provide necessary easements for the Paragon Star LLC as well as the Jackson County Parks + Rec. The MOA will be inclusive of an easement that provides a route for the construction of a segment of the Little Blue Trace Trail to begin at a location at the general area of the intersection of the Rock Island Trail and the Little Blue River and end at View High Drive.  The trail will be funded, constructed and maintained by Jackson County Parks + Rec according to their schedule.



Start: Developer has already started work on the site and will have commenced certain of the public improvements when this Agreement is executed.

Finish: The public improvements are expected to be completed in 2021.


Other Information/Unique Characteristics:

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David Bushek, Chief Counsel of Economic Development & Planning

Ryan Elam, Director of Development Services



Recommendation:  Staff recommends approval of this ordinance.


Committee Recommendation

Committee Recommendation: [Enter Committee Recommendation text Here]