An Ordinance approving the award of bid no. 50432472-C1 for the Lake Ridge Meadows Traffic Calming project to Mega Industries Corporation, and authorizing the City manager to enter into an agreement for the same, in the amount of $78,560.00. (PWC 6/25/19)
An Ordinance approving the award of bid no. 50432472-C1 for the Lake Ridge Meadows Traffic Calming project to Mega Industries Corporation, and authorizing the City manager to enter into an agreement for the same, in the amount of $78,560.00.
Key Issues:
• This project is a result of the petition process of the Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program (NTSP).
• This project was recommended from the NTSP study that was performed, based on speed, traffic volumes, and crash history.
• This project was supported by property owners to study and install traffic calming on NE Jamestown Drive and NE Skyview Drive.
• This project will install signs and pavement markings, remove three 12-foot sections of roadway and install three concrete speed humps on NE Jamestown Drive, between NE Whispering Winds Drive and NE Jamestown Ct. The project will also remove one 22-foot and two 12-foot sections of roadway and install one raised crosswalk and two speed humps on NE Skyview Dr between NE Jamestown Rd and Delta School Rd.
Proposed City Countil Motion:
FIRST MOTION: I move for a second reading of an Ordinance approving the award of bid no. 50432472-C1 for the Lake Ridge Meadows Traffic Calming project to Mega Industries Corporation, and authorizing the City manager to enter into an agreement for the same, in the amount of $78,560.00.
SECOND MOTION: I move for adoption of an Ordinance approving the award of bid no. 50432472-C1 for the Lake Ridge Meadows Traffic Calming project to Mega Industries Corporation, and authorizing the City manager to enter into an agreement for the same, in the amount of $78,560.00.
Residents expressed concerns about safety due to speeding vehicles in the residential neighborhood along NE Jamestown Rd between NE Lakewood Way and NE Kenwood Dr as well as along NE Skyview Dr between NE Jamestown Rd and NE Delta School Rd. Residents contacted City Staff to about the issue to request assistance through the Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program (NTSP). The NTSP is a citizen driven process. Details of the program are available on the City's web site at http://cityofls.net/Public-Works/Traffic-Transit/Neighborhood-Traffic-Safety-Program. Residents from the neighborhood submitted an application to participate in the NTSP and received at least 50% support from neighbors adjacent to the street of concern. After meeting the petition of support requirement, City Staff worked with the residents through the Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program to address these concerns.
A traffic safety study conducted by City staff determined that traffic calming improvements were justified along NE Jamestown Rd and NE Skyview Dr. Residents adjacent to both streets were notified of the proposed traffic calming devices and signed a petition supporting their construction. Based on that approval, City Staff initiated engineering design to build traffic calming features.
NE Jamestown Rd and NE Skyview Dr will maintain one lane of traffic during construction at the locations where speed humps are proposed. Construction phasing will allow for residents to have access to their driveways at all times.
Mega Industries Corporation was determined to be the lowest and best responsive and responsible bidder. Public Works Engineering Staff reviewed the bid and recommend awarding the contract to Mega Industries Corporation in the amount of $78,560.00.
The FY2020 Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program was approved as part of the FY2020 Capital Improvement Plan. The program fund balance is sufficient to cover this agreement, construction oversight, and remaining NTSP requests, studies, meetings, and design of future NTSP programs.
These improvements are expected to reduce speeding and increase safety in the impact area.
Start: _August 2019__
Finish: _September 2019__
Other Information/Unique Characteristics:
Public Works Engineering issued Bid No. 50432472-C1 for Lake Ridge Meadows Traffic Calming project on May 21, 2019. The bid was advertised and potential bidders were notified through QuestCDN. A pre-bid conference was held on June 4, 2019 and 1 potential bidder attended. One potential bidder obtained plans and specifications from QuestCDN, and one (1) responsive bids were received by the June 11, 2019 bid opening date. The low bid is 3.77% or $3,077.50 below the engineer’s estimate.
George Binger, Deputy Director of Public Works/City Engineer
Recommendation: Staff recommends to Council An Ordinance approving the award of bid no. 50432472-C1 for the Lake Ridge Meadows Traffic Calming project to Mega Industries Corporation, and authorizing the City manager to enter into an agreement for the same, in the amount of $78,560.00.
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation: The Public Works Committee voted unanimously 4-0 to recommend to City Council approval of an Ordinance approving the award of bid no. 50432472-C1 for the Lake Ridge Meadows Traffic Calming project to Mega Industries Corporation, and authorizing the City manager to enter into an agreement for the same, in the amount of $78,560.00. (PWC 6/25/19)