File #: BILL NO. 23-166    Name:
Type: Ordinance - Committee Status: Passed
File created: 5/19/2023 In control: City Council - Regular Session
On agenda: 8/14/2023 Final action: 8/22/2023
Title: An Ordinance approving Modification No. 2 to an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway (RFQ No. 2020-066) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and WSP USA, Inc., for an increase of $106,000.00 for the amended basic services, with an amended not to exceed amount of $835,300.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same. (PWC 8/14/23)
Sponsors: Public Works Admin & Engineering
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Exhibit A: Modification No. 2 to Agreement, 3. Supplemental Document: Location Map
Related files: BILL NO. 22-98, BILL NO. 20-137


An Ordinance approving Modification No. 2 to an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway (RFQ No. 2020-066) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and WSP USA, Inc., for an increase of $106,000.00 for the amended basic services, with an amended not to exceed amount of $835,300.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.  (PWC 8/14/23)





An Ordinance approving Modification No. 2 to an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway (RFQ No. 2020-066) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and WSP USA, Inc., for an increase of $106,000.00 for the amended basic services, with an amended not to exceed amount of $835,300.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.



Key Issues:


•  Pursuant to Ordinance No. 8249, the City and WSP USA, Inc. (hereinafter "Engineer") entered into an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway (RFQ No. 2020-066) dated August 26, 2020 (hereinafter "Base Agreement").


•  Engineer has submitted a proposal with estimated costs to provide additional design related to property owner right-of-way negotiations; provide additional coordination with utility companies; provide construction related services (hereinafter "Services"); and


•  The City desires to modify the Base Agreement with Engineer to provide these additional Services (hereinafter "Modification No. 2").




Proposed Committee Motion:

I move to recommend to City Council approval of an Ordinance approving Modification No. 2 to an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway (RFQ No. 2020-066) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and WSP USA, Inc., for an increase of $106,000.00 for the amended basic services, with an amended not to exceed amount of $835,300.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.



Proposed City Council Motion:

FIRST MOTION: I move for second reading of an Ordinance approving Modification No. 2 to an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway (RFQ No. 2020-066) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and WSP USA, Inc., for an increase of $106,000.00 for the amended basic services, with an amended not to exceed amount of $835,300.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.



SECOND MOTION: I move for adoption of an Ordinance approving Modification No. 2 to an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway (RFQ No. 2020-066) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and WSP USA, Inc., for an increase of $106,000.00 for the amended basic services, with an amended not to exceed amount of $835,300.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.





Following the qualifications-based selection process, WSP USA, Inc. (hereinafter” Engineer”) was selected to perform professional engineering services for the 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway. This Project includes road reconstruction, drainage improvements, water utility relocation, street lighting, pedestrian facilities and access management. It also includes additional streetscape improvements along 3rd street between Jefferson St. and Market St. requested by the Downtown Community Improvement District. The Base Agreement was executed between the City and the Engineer on August 26, 2020. This Modification No. 2 includes the following:

1.                     Project Management / Coordination  

2.                     Design changes caused by right of way negotiations

3.                     Utility coordination

4.                     Design survey for additional work

5.                     Construction related services


On 3/20/2023, Evergy informed the City and WSP, that under their new project manager, Evergy intends to redesign their overhead utility facilities. These revisions will have bends in the utility alignment, and thus reduce the number of poles along the corridor. Evergy is making these changes after WSP has designed the roadway, sidewalks, and other features. This modification will cover the extra efforts required to work with Evergy through their redesign, as well as the additional effort required to coordinate with Spectrum and Google Fiber who are planning to attach their facilities to Evergy's poles.

The extra efforts required to accommodate design changes and additional survey necessary to update the plans to reflect changes to the plans that have come about during right-of-way negotiations beyond the scope of the base agreement and Modification #1 are also covered in this modification. This modification will also cover design changes anticipated to be incurred during continued negotiations with property owners and utilities. These changes typically include minor driveway modifications, working around items installed by property owners, adjusting locations for light poles, etc.

This modification also covers construction services to be provided by the engineer. It is stated in the base agreement that construction services would be added to the scope in a future modification. Adding the scope of construction services to a design contract in a modification after the base agreement is a common practice that allows the project to first be designed, so the scope of construction services can be accurately defined.



Susan Barry, City Traffic Engineer





Staff recommends approval.



Committee Recommendation

The Public Works Committee voted unanimousely 4-0, to recommend to City Council approval of an Ordinance approving Modification No. 2 to an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for 3rd Street Improvements from Jefferson Street to Blue Parkway (RFQ No. 2020-066) between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, and WSP USA, Inc., for an increase of $106,000.00 for the amended basic services, with an amended not to exceed amount of $835,300.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.